Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on 22nd May, 1772, in Radhanagar, district Burdwan, West Bengal. He was an educational reformer, a socialist reformer and a religious reformer too. He challenged and transformed Hindu culture on his own new lines. He is called ‘The father of Modern India’ and maker of Modern India too. He is also famously known as "Father of the Bengal Renaissance." His domain and his fields include social work, religion, public administration and politics. He was a philosopher, a thinker and a strategist. He advocated education especially Medicine, Science and Technology and English. He founded Brahmo Samaj and seriously advocated abolition of Sati. Through Brahmo Samaj, he wanted to expose the religious hypocrisies. He fought for the rights of women. He did not believe in Idol Worship and all those rituals which are superstitious and doesn’t have any scientific base or proof.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born, in a high ranking Brahmin family, to Ramkanto Roy and Tarinidevi. He hails from a background that has got a lot of diversity. His father is a Vaishnavite and mother a Shaivite, which was an unusual marriage at that time. His father was an orthodox Hindu Brahmin.
He was sent to Patna for higher studies and by the age of fifteen, Raja Ram Mohan Roy had learnt Bangla, Persian, Arabic and Sanskrit. After his marriage, he went to Varanasi in order to gain knowledge about Vedas, Upanishads and Hindu Philosophy.
Career and social reform activities
He started working as a moneylender in 1803 and left this job in 1809 and started serving Revenue Department of the East India Company. In 1814, Raja Ram Mohan Roy formed ‘Atmiya Sabha’ for amending laws of the society through social and religious reforms. The sabha’s work was to fight for the rights of women like banning ‘Sati’ and polygamy and welcoming remarriage and the right for women to hold property. He also supported English, which he considered to be superior from our education system. He wanted women to study at par with men. He was strongly in favour of women education. For this matter, he even founded English school.
During this time, he founded ‘Brahmo Samaj’ to bring socio-religiou reforms in India during Bengal Renaissance of 19th century and early 20th century.
At the end
He travelled to the United Kingdom as an ambassador of Mughal emperor and after that he died on September 27, 1833 due to meningitis.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born, in a high ranking Brahmin family, to Ramkanto Roy and Tarinidevi. He hails from a background that has got a lot of diversity. His father is a Vaishnavite and mother a Shaivite, which was an unusual marriage at that time. His father was an orthodox Hindu Brahmin.
He was sent to Patna for higher studies and by the age of fifteen, Raja Ram Mohan Roy had learnt Bangla, Persian, Arabic and Sanskrit. After his marriage, he went to Varanasi in order to gain knowledge about Vedas, Upanishads and Hindu Philosophy.
Career and social reform activities
He started working as a moneylender in 1803 and left this job in 1809 and started serving Revenue Department of the East India Company. In 1814, Raja Ram Mohan Roy formed ‘Atmiya Sabha’ for amending laws of the society through social and religious reforms. The sabha’s work was to fight for the rights of women like banning ‘Sati’ and polygamy and welcoming remarriage and the right for women to hold property. He also supported English, which he considered to be superior from our education system. He wanted women to study at par with men. He was strongly in favour of women education. For this matter, he even founded English school.
During this time, he founded ‘Brahmo Samaj’ to bring socio-religiou reforms in India during Bengal Renaissance of 19th century and early 20th century.
At the end
He travelled to the United Kingdom as an ambassador of Mughal emperor and after that he died on September 27, 1833 due to meningitis.