English Grammar-Transformation of Sentences

English Grammar
Transform the following as directed

1. He goes home. (Change into Negative)
See Answer:

2. The news is too good to be true. (Remove too)
See Answer:

3. I am as strong as he. (Change into Comparative)
See Answer:

4. He can do this work. (Change into Interrogative)
See Answer:

5. How beautiful is the night ! (Change into Assertive)
See Answer:

6. He knows the bad man. (Change into Complex)
See Answer:

7. She lives comfortably. (Change into Noun)
See Answer:

8. No other metal is as useful as iron. (Change into Superlative)
See Answer:

9. His ambition is to serve the country. (Change into Complex)
See Answer:

10. These mangoes are too cheap to be good. (Remove too)
See Answer:

11. She is your friend. (Change into Negative)
See Answer:

12. He treated me cruelly. (Change into Adjective)
See Answer:

13. He said that he was coming. (Change into Simple)
See Answer:

14. That razor is not so sharp as this one. (Change into Comparative)
See Answer:

15. He was too weak to walk. (Remove too)
See Answer:

16. This news gave her pleasure. (Change into Verb)
See Answer:

17. Is he not an honest man ? (Change into Assertive)
See Answer:

18. He must weep or he will die. (Change into Simple)
See Answer:

19. Bangalore is the most beautiful city in India. (Change into Comparative)
See Answer:

20. We eat to live. (Change into Complex)
See Answer:

21. Mumbai is one of the richest towns in India. (Change into Positive)
See Answer:

22. This coffee is too cold for me. (Remove too)
See Answer:

23. How fast she runs ! (Change into Assertive)
See Answer:

24. Man is mortal. (Change into Negative)
See Answer:

25. He knows that the earth is round. (Change into Compound).
See Answer:

26. Brutus loved Caesar. (Change into Nagative)
See Answer:

27. He will be rewarded as he stands second. (Change into Simple)
See Answer:

28. What if I pass this year ! (Change into Assertive)
See Answer:

29. She was too proud to beg. (Remove too)
See Answer:

30. Sohan writes more legibly than all other boys of his class. (Change into Positive)
See Answer:

31. When can their glory fade ? (Change into Assertive)
See Answer:

32. What an interesting play it is ! (Change into Assertive)
See Answer:

33. Coming to me, she delivered the message. (Change into Compound)
See Answer:

34. She sympathises with the poor. (Change into Noun)
See Answer:

35. Few historians write as interestingly as Joshi (Change into Comparative)
See Answer:

36. Could she do such a mean act ? (Change into Assertive)
See Answer:

37. Shatabdi express is the fastest train. (Change into Positive)
See Answer:

38. It is a matter of great importance. (Change into Adjective)
See Answer:

39. Ashoka was the greatest emperor. (Change into Positive)
See Answer:

40. Hurry up, or you will miss the train. (Change into Complex)
See Answer:

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  1. Anonymous25 July, 2011

    jupiter is bigger than any other planet. change into positive. Could any one help this?

  2. The sentence is already positive.......

  3. May be this:- Jupiter is the biggest planet.

  4. no other planet is as big as Jupiter is the answer


  5. Among all the planets, Jupiter is big.

  6. No other planet is as big as Jupitar.

  7. Anonymous17 July, 2014

    I didn't understood the first sentence that - He goes home. How the answer comes He does not go home. The entire meaning of the sentence is changed.

  8. Anonymous26 July, 2015

    You're right. I was wondering that too.
